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Dear [name]                                                                                                                        October 2008

Welcome to the revitalized Cambridge Health Newsletter. It is already October and the year is flying by. Lots of changes and events happened and Cambridge Health Centre has coming out as a winner on the other side. Belinda, Del, Laurel and Rikki have joined Cambridge Health and will together with myself provide the highest possible standard of treatment to all our clients. Yours in Health  Marion Volk

 Come and see us at Cambridge Health. Bookings at 08 63802643

There are virtually every day press releases about mainstream medicine ‘discovering ‘ something that natural medicine has been using for very long time. Natural medicine has developed from 'alternative' to 'complementary' and is fast becoming an important pillar of standard healthcare  A recent example is this:
The West Australian and the Sydney Morning Harold reported on September 22nd []  of a study that was conducted by the University of Chicago and published in the journal Nature. It reported about a clinical study that found that 'good bacteria' safeguarded against diabetes type 1. The report concluded " that exposing young children to a diet rich in prebiotics, like inulin, and probiotics, like yoghurt and kefir, may help protect them against auto-immune diabetes". It also proves that gut treatment is of paramount importance in all autoimmune dis-regulations.
It is always re-assuring to read that mainstream medicine has finally found an evidence based clinical research proof of a long held truth of natural medicine: a healthy gut prevents immune problems.
Our new team approach to Cambridge Health will follow that trend and combine experience with latest research and application. This will assure ongoing  personalised caring  consultations  on the very latest level of knowledge. The new members of the team like to introduce themselves:

Belinda Madgen:
I began my journey with the Advanced Diploma in Health Science with the Australian College of Natural Medicine. I qualified as a Naturopath in 2007.  My studies are ongoing and soon I will have completed a Bachelor Degree. My interest in natural medicine began the day my daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease.  Relatively few people were aware of this condition and knew nothing about the diet and lifestyle changes which were necessary to maintain her health.  This personal experience will enable me to support you in similar dietary challenges.  Specifically my interests are children's health, women's health, couples preconception care, digestive problems and seminars in stress management and general nutrition advice with an age specific focus. Each client deserves individual care and personalized treatment.  I look forward to teaching you strategies to take control of your own health.   
Del Edwards:
The practice of Naturopathy is an art and a science. The art of really listening, of acute observation, of empathizing with the client, guides the science of advising on diet and nutrition and selecting the correct supplements or making up an effective herbal mixture. Together they provide the naturopath with the tools to enable people to achieve better health.
Before my naturopathic training I completed a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Western Australia, and worked as a microbiologist in Western Australia and England for a number of years.
After completing a post-graduate Diploma and a certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment I taught science subjects. Currently, as well as consulting, I teach medical science and nutrition at three medical colleges.
Laurel Skender:
Laurel has a passion for health and wellness and as a registered nurse with over 25 years of clinical practice she decided to follow her dreams and pursue a career in Natural Medicine. With her nursing background in high tech specialist areas such as interventional cardiology and emergency departments, Laurel has a broad knowledge base that encompasses a wide range of health issues.   
Her passions include being in nature, healing and herbal medicine and consciously living with compassion, in an 'earth-centered' awareness.
                All things in Nature are in Balance,
All wholes are composed of their parts
                In Harmonious balance
                From the Gaia Group Book of Shadows
Rikki Kell:
I completed my studies at the Australian College of Natural Medicine with a Bachelor of Western Herbal Medicine and an Advanced Diploma of naturopathy. My greatest joy as a naturopath is sharing my knowledge and skills with others and getting you involved in your own  healing process as you achieve optimal health and well-being.
I believe Naturopathy is successful in treating acute and chronic conditions and is the ideal form of preventative health care. Because of this I keep up to date with the latest technology and research devoting time and money into seminars and courses to ensure my clients receive maximum and holistic care.
I am dedicated to each individual and take the necessary time to gain an overall view of your state of health and therefore am able to develop specific treatment plans. I am particularly interested in aiding in diet and lifestyle changes, gastro-intestinal disturbances, thyroid imbalances, weight loss, and detoxification and will always thrive to support your individual needs and goals.

Cambridge Health - Caring for You
Cambridge Health Centre
[email protected]
3/42 McCourt St,
West Leedville,
Western Australia, 6007
Ph: (08) 6380-2643